About The PCRG summit

Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (PCRG) and Urban Land Institute­–Pittsburgh District Council (ULI) are excited to announce our 13th Annual Community Development Summit. The Summit attracts a network of industry practitioners from all over the country, participating in person and virtually.

This year’s theme is the same as last year’s, as there is still important work to do, [Re]defining Equity, Equality, and Justice in Community Development will continue to build on learnings from prior summits where we focused on identifying obstacles, strategic planning, and best practices to improving Equity, Equality, and Justice. Participants will hear about initiatives, programs, and advocacy that are currently taking place, their plans for the future, and how to define what success means when it comes to Racial Equality.

The Summit brings together 600+ attendees from nearly a dozen states throughout the Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic regions, representing the entire community development ecosystem: community members, students, for- and non-profit developers, bankers, philanthropists, advocates, activists, and public sector leaders. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to support our work, and share your experience, wisdom, and knowledge with our Summit attendees.





Christopher Ptomey is the executive director of ULI’s Terwilliger Center for Housing. He’s currently leading ULI’s Attainable Housing for All initiative, through which ULI members and District Councils work with cities to overcome local barriers to housing production, attainability, and equity. Ptomey has also directed research including the launch of ULI’s Home Attainability Index and publications focused on family renter needs, low-density rental development, tenant and property stability, and homeownership attainability.

Previously, he led Habitat for Humanity’s US government relations team, served as federal liaison for the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, and was senior legislative assistant to Rep. Michael Collins of Georgia.



The 13th Annual Community Development Summit features sessions packed with case studies, tools for development, and insightful discussions on the changing community development landscape. Summit presenters and sessions highlight examples of success, lessons from failure, the impact of new technologies and techniques, and unusual partnerships that demonstrate the complexity and opportunity of modern community development.


SPEAKERS & Community Leaders

The Summit is a platform for those in the interconnected community development ecosystem to learn from each other, share ideas, and network for lasting inclusive change. We strive to not only spur discussion but also build cross-regional partnerships that will not only galvanize them into action but also deliver tangible policies and outcomes that advance equity and justice.

Never has there been such a strong energy to remake Pittsburgh into a more socially, environmentally, and economically just city.

We hope you will say Yes! and join us in our efforts.