Tyler Schaub (HE/HIM)

Strategic Engagement Manager, PCRG

 Schaub’s role with PCRG allows him to continue on a path of community involvement, engagement and advocacy to which he’s dedicated himself from a young age. Born and raised in Muskegon, MI, Schaub was exposed to the challenges of building communities in a post-industrial city where neighborhoods were fragmented by socio-economic status. These early-age experiences motivated him to focus on areas like environmental law and policy, sustainability and chemistry during his studies at the University of Michigan. 

Schaub sought opportunities for involvement in community-oriented efforts across the Midwest. These include working with Chicago neighborhoods to help map and prevent gentrification; providing relief and legal support for Flint, MI residents affected by contaminated drinking water —  and working with urban farming efforts in Detroit.

As a recent transplant to the city, he’s continued his passion for community work within the expansive network of neighborhoods in the greater Pittsburgh area. As Schaub continues to grow in his role at PCRG, he’s committed himself to working with those around him to help make Pittsburgh a more liveable, diverse and equitable place to call home.