+ Membership Packet

Commonly Referenced Acronyms (pdf)

+ Membership Renewal

The PCRG membership application and renewal forms are filled out exclusively online. Click here to bein your renewal applicaton. All documents requested on application must be attached for application to be accepted.

Membership Dues Structure:

Membership to PCRG is for a single calendar year. Dues are designed at the lowest responsible fee structure and are tiered based on member group's asset size. Please identify which tier you fall into below. Dues may be paid online by clicking “pay membership dues” or prepare a check, made payable to 'PCRG' for the corresponding amount, and mail the check AND a copy of your current budget to the PCRG offices at the address 1901 Centre Ave, Suite 20O, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. If more convenient, you may email a copy of your operating budget to Osman Jouejati : ojouejati@pcrg.org. If you have any questions during the process, please feel free to contact Osman Jouejati at 412-391-6732, ext. 202

Before you begin your renewal you should have the following information:

  • Strategic Plan for the organization

  • Organizational Budget

  • Organizations Proposed Delegates, name, address, email, and phone number

  • Organizational Board of Directors List

Thank you, we look forward to continuing to work with and for you!

Please include any additional information about your organization that you'd like to provide in the space below. Please email a completed copy to Osman Jouejati, ojouejati@pcrg.org ensuring additional required documents are also included.   

PCRG Exclusive Membership Opportunities Available

PCRG,South Florida Reinvestment Coalition, and the Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition have partners with NCRC to create a membership discount program. NCRC is offering current PCRG members a discount. If you are not yet a member of either organization, choose one organization to join at the full membership rate. Once your membership is confirmed, you will join the other using the discount. As a joint member, you can only receive discounted membership from one organization.